How to join the Politecnico Active Directory

Joining your machine to the Politecnico Active Directory authentication infrastructure allows you to authenticate on your machine with your institutional credentials (, and be able to configure easily many network services, e.g. network printers and file shares.

Provided that you requested to join the AD domain when submitting the ip address request form, after receiving confirmation that you have been enabled to join on your own your device to the '' authentication domain, you can proceed. Note that joining a domain (on your own or assisted) is supported by the DET IT team only for Windows operating systems.

The following instructions are valid for joining on your own Windows 10 or above (Professional or Enterprise, not Home editions) devices:

  • type 'sysdm.cpl' in the Search bar, and click on "Control panel item" that appears as the result of your search (alternatively, you can press the Windows key + 'r', type sysdm.cpl in the Run box and then press Enter)
  • in the System Properties window, click on the Computer Name tab, then click on Change near "To rename this computer or change its domain or workgroup, click Change"
  • in the "Computer Name/Domain Changes" window, double check that the Computer name is the same as the hostname provided when you filled the ip address request form, then click on the Domain radio button in the Member of section and type '' in the text box
  • you will be asked to authenticate, type your institutional credentials and click on Ok
  • a message box should appear, confirming that you have successfully joined the domain
  • reboot your machine; at the next boot you should be able to login with your institutional credentials (

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